Welcome to Greater Latrobe Senior High School (GLSHS)! Our school serves its students and the Greater Latrobe students, staff, parents/guardians, and community with pride and dignity. Our Senior High School Faculty and Staff Team, in partnership with the GLSHS/GLSD parents, guardians, community, and our student body will continue to facilitate opportunities for all students in academics, the arts, and in athletics throughout our “Learning Neighborhood.” All students will continue to build upon a personalized, relevant pathway that prepares them for success throughout senior high school and in preparation for their becoming among our “Generation Leaders!”
We strive for all students to have successful, enjoyable, and rewarding experiences at GLSHS. All Faculty and Staff will help facilitate students’ individual and collective commitment to academic excellence and citizenship. We will continuously encourage all students to work hard to obtain their goals while being diligent and enthusiastic in helping set then achieve their personal pathway(s) for success. The GLSHS Team will continue to strive to provide all students what they need for success each year until then beyond graduation.
At GLSHS, we are all “Wildcats” within our collective “Learning Neighborhood.” We encourage and promote “Wildcat Pride” in ourselves and in our school. Together, with our GLSHS Team, we wish all students a successful, rewarding experience as they prepare for their futures, hopes, and dreams. Equally, we look forward to working with all students and continuing to build partnerships with our parents/guardians and community to uphold and promote our school’s excellent traditions and reputation.
We are GL…Go Wildcats!
Mrs. Pellegrino, Mr. Ingel, and Dr. Benning